Log #14: Everything is Fine! *cough*

Raise your hand if you're completely and utterly mentally done with school. Raise your hand if the idea of ending school is too scary. Raise your hand if you regret most of your decisions these days. Ha! I caught you, all you three-handed people! *basks in the sheer unhinged and nonsensical state my mind has … Continue reading Log #14: Everything is Fine! *cough*

Log #7: A new year and new stuff.

Hi all, It's been a while since I've posted. Sorry about that. The Holidays came and went, and now it's a new year and I was trying to figure out how best to start it off. I've sorted through several posts I've had on my backlog for a while now, but none seem exactly right. … Continue reading Log #7: A new year and new stuff.